Infographic | Retail Reboot

By Scala Team
juliol 25, 2022

What are priorities for shoppers and how can brands minimize customer pain points while maximizing the retail experience?

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Shoppers are returning to stores with higher expectations and seeking new experiences. As brands look to mitigate challenges of staffing, supply chains and possible future restrictions, what can retailers do to beat the competition to attract, retain and grow their customer base?

The latest infographic from Scala uses international data to reveal the key motivators for shoppers, the priorities for retail brands and the role digital solutions have to play in building sales and customer loyalty.

In the infographic discover:

  • How many consumers use multiple channels to shop
  • The appetite for increased digital, including shelf-edge signage and augmented reality (AR) in retail
  • The true value of great customer service and the danger in not meeting customer expectations