Report | Sales Spark in the Car Park

By Scala Team
juliol 28, 2021

Discover why retail experts consider the carpark to be a key asset for building brands and beating the competition. Using insight from 100 retail brands across Europe, our first solution report explores the opportunities available to brands if they optimize their available outdoor space.

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As our recent retailer report, Planning for Post-Pandemic Success, Recovery Solutions and Store Strategies reveals, 30% of European retailers are looking at ways to optimize their car park as a space for sales, collections or returns. An untapped resource for many brands, the car park has huge potential as a means to deepen customer loyalty and increase sales opportunities.


  • Why retail brands are considering the car park a key customer-winning opportunity
  • How optimizing the car park can deepen customer loyalty and increase sales
  • The role technology can play in making the car park a relevant extension of the retail brands