Thank you to all of those that joined us at DMEXCO!

On Wednesday 18th September. 2024 we were joined by hundreds of attendees across six masterclasses for the third edition of What’s in Store For Retail Media Networks.
Retailers, brands, agencies, advertisers and experts discussed a variety of topics related to retail media. Masterclasses featured sessions focused on first party data, the impact of retail media on brand campaign planning as well as connected television and customer loyalty. We welcomed IAB as they unveiled the primary findings of their in-store retail media Standards and Definitions report, and there were great insights from Ahold Delhaize, Group M, LiveRamp and ITV.
4 PM
Jennifer Sarah Boone
10:45 AM
The world of in-store retail media is undergoing an unprecedented transformation, forcing advertising agencies and brands to fundamentally rethink their structures and marketing plans. Traditional advertising methods that focus on broad distribution and high reach are increasingly giving way to targeted, data-driven approaches. In-store data provides valuable insights into physical customer behavior, from movement through the store to dwell time on specific products and response to advertising messaging.
What are the definitions and standards that retailers, brands and agencies need to understand each other and make the most of the in-store retail media opportunity? How will these standards impact future strategy and spend? How can brands adapt their internal structures to take full advantage of the new possibilities of in-store data and maximize the ROI of their advertising measures? How will retailers best measure and account for campaign performance?
Featuring findings from the latest IAB report, the panel will discuss how their experience using multiple retail media touchpoints has impacted their priorities, structure and definitions of success.
11:45 AM
93% of all retail dollars are spent in a physical store. Retailers using only e-commerce and transactional sales data operate with a sliver of the information that they could if also measuring consumer behavior and action in-store. By using data including movement, dwell time, pathing and sales, retailers can use in-store information to not only plan the most powerful use of in-store retail media but also demonstrate its value.
Retailers can unlock in-store customer insights just as they have mined online behavior. By understanding in-store activity, retailers can expand their in-store advertising inventory most effectively giving brands a way to execute compelling, personalized campaigns.
How are retailers gathering in-store information and how should they be using it best to extend their revenues but also create opportunities for brands? Our panelists examine what is being offered by retailers, the gaps they should be looking to fill and how using in-store ‘clickstream behavior’ can benefit all parties.
12:45 PM
The importance of data for personalized advertising and omnichannel strategies in European retail cannot be overstated. In a data-driven economy that promotes innovation while maintaining high data protection standards, retailers and brands face the challenge of finding the balance between economic benefit and protecting customer privacy.
Online data has long been used to secure and increase sales through personalized advertising. However, the physical store presents a huge opportunity to gain customer behavior insights while also offering a location for targeted advertising and marketing campaigns.
In Europe, the use of customer data is heavily regulated. The GDPR and the AI Act lay down strict conditions to ensure that data is handled securely and transparently. These regulations protect the privacy of citizens while allowing them to reap the benefits of a data-driven economy.
For retailers, this means that the responsible handling of data is not only a legal obligation, but also an economic necessity. Data protection concepts and data security measures are crucial to gaining the trust of customers and promoting business success. The discussion about the optimal use of in-store data and its integration into omnichannel strategies is therefore of central importance for the future of European retail.
1:45 PM
What does customer loyalty mean for retailers, brands and shoppers? What do customers expect from retailers, what insights do they share while engaging in loyalty programs, and how can retailers serve them better?
In today’s dynamic retail landscape, loyalty cards are far more than just a means of customer retention. Providing in-depth insights into customers’ shopping behavior, they open up new avenues for promotions. In Europe, where competition in the retail sector is particularly intense, the importance of loyalty programs is often underestimated.
The ability to analyze behavior both online and in-store is invaluable leading not just to a seamless customer journey but also retail media campaigns that can be analyzed and adjusted in real time. This flexibility makes it possible to react quickly to changes in customer behavior and continuously optimize the efficiency of campaigns.
2:40 PM
With connected TV (CTV) brands can take campaigns from the store to the sofa. Becoming a key part of the retail media ecosystem CTV uses customer data from in-store and online to create another promotional opportunity
With full knowledge about the customer and creating a profile from multiple datapoints, advertisers can better measure and understand the impact of their TV campaigns on purchasing behavior. The integration of CTV into the retail media ecosystem encourages new collaborations between retailers, media companies and technology providers. These partnerships are driving innovation in the field of data-driven TV advertising. The integration of CTV and in-store data has the potential to fundamentally change the way brands interact with their target audiences.
3:30 PM
DOOH and retail media in-store are two fascinating types of media with different strengths and applications. DOOH reaches a broad target group in public spaces, while retail media in-store enables highly personalized messages at the point of sale. Does it make sense to consider and name them separately? Are they competitors or do they complement each other in a holistic marketing strategy? How can their respective strengths be optimally utilized?
The role of customer data and the possibilities of a targeted approach at the POS make retail media in-store a promising channel. At the same time, DOOH remains relevant with its reach and presence in public spaces. The integration of real-time data and the use of advanced technologies such as AI and programmatic advertising open up new dimensions for both channels.
While DOOH impresses with its high visibility in public spaces, in-store retail media offers new opportunities through the use of first-party data and targeted customer targeting at the POS. The dovetailing of these two types of media could have a major impact on the way brands interact with their target groups in the future.

You can read our blog on the takeaways from the event here. Videos of the masterclasses will be available to view here in the coming weeks. Please sign up below to receive the notifications as soon as they are available.
The next edition of What’s in Store for Retail Media Networks will take place in January in New York City as part of NRF’s Big Show. You can find out more about the agenda for the New York event here.
Thank you to all of those that joined us at DMEXCO.

Scala Stand: Hall 8.1, Stand D050
Part of the STRATACACHE family of companies, Scala is a leading provider of digital signage and integrated solutions as well as a pioneer in retail media networks. With proven success working across a variety of sectors including retail, quick serve restaurants, transport hubs, tourist destinations and more, Scala is the expert at supplying reliable, innovative and scalable customer solutions. Experience our technology for yourself at Hall 8.1, stand D050 and see how an in-store retail media network could work to boost your business.
Guided Tour
You can experience customer-centric integrated solutions first-hand as part of a guided tour of DMEXCO. Joined by industry peers and led BVDW, try out technologies designed to enhance efficiencies and create new business opportunities. You can also exchange ideas with industry experts and gain valuable industry knowledge. Tour length is 50 minutes. Book Now (with DMEXCO ticket only).
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If you would like to learn more about the event and the topics that were discussed. Get in touch!