Blog | Planning for Post-Pandemic Retail Success

By Harry Horn
julio 28, 2021

Scala’s Europe-wide survey reveals some key trends impacting the future of retail.

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European Retail Trends in 2022

The Scala team recently released European retail research conducted with global market research firm WBR Insights. The report, titled Planning for Post-Pandemic Success: Recovery Solutions and Store Strategies for Retail Brands reveals where 100 retailers across Europe are planning to invest across the next year. It is an illuminating read that gives a clear picture of the priorities of European retailers of all types.

We commissioned the research in order to learn more about the pressures and goals of the retail sector following a turbulent year which has transformed both the industry and consumer habits. One way Scala will use the information in the research is to better assist our retail partners, especially now as brands open their doors and need to attract shoppers and build back business.

There are lots of interesting data points in the report and a few key trends that will inform our own focus moving forward. As expected, following over a year of restrictions, brands are looking at ways to create more synergies and efficiencies across their touchpoints. Retailers also recognize the role that ecommerce will play in informing their future in-store strategy. Offering a flexible and convenient retail experience for customers is a priority with brands keen to become truly omnichannel in their activities and gain customer insights across all of their touchpoints.

I am bolstered by the dedication brands are showing to investing in their brick-and-mortar premises and how open they are to employing digital solutions to build business. Digital signage, both inside and outside the store is a consideration for many brands which makes sense when clear communication with customers has never been more crucial. Integrated SaaS also runs as a key theme across the report with retailers looking to bring systems together to create a coherent and consistent customer experience. The evolution of experiential retail is in itself an interesting topic raised by the report as retailers look to attract customers back into stores by communicating their commitment to safety and convenience.

Survey the data

There is a lot of data in the report and you can find the headline figures in our press release. The full report is available for download here. If you are interested in knowing more or want more detail on the raw data that went into the report then get in touch.

Written by Harry Horn

General Manager EMEA – Scala & Vice President Marketing Global – STRATACACHE


Harry Horn portrait

Harry Horn is an ever-curious digital expert, driven by a passion to use technology to make things better – creating convenience for customers, efficiency for businesses and less waste for the world. During his ten plus years at Scala, Harry has proved himself a master of retail marketing, driven by a passion for customer insight and using technology to deliver meaningful experiences.