White Paper | Checking In at the Check Out

By Scala Team
junio 8, 2021

With access to over two years worth of data, explore the consumer trends set to shape the European grocery sector and the digital solutions that can minimise waste, increase brand loyalty and build business.

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Shopper Behavior Changing Rapidly in European Grocery Stores

In the last year grocers have experienced staff shortages, stockpiling, safety concerns and increased sales. Our latest white paper, Checking In at the Check Out, looks at how the last year will inform those that lie ahead and what digital solutions will assist brands of all types in deepening customer loyalty, boosting sales and minimizing waste.

Using Europe-wide data gathered across the last two years, Checking In at the Check Out looks at the trends likely to impact shopper behavior over the short and long term and what grocery retailers can do to meet and exceed customer expectations.

What do shoppers want to see in grocery stores?

  • Grocery customers are looking towards ‘local’
  • Shelf-edge technology is in demand by millennial shoppers
  • Delivery is crucial in informing in-store sales strategy
  • Phones could be the key to customer loyalty