In-Store Retail Media: The Future of Advertising

By Scala Team
septembre 10, 2024

Retailers are turning premises into lucrative advertising platforms. Read more about the basics of in-store retail media below. Hear first hand from retailers, brands and agencies on how they are using in-store retail media to elevate awareness, extend revenues, and engage shoppers in the exclusive Scala Masterclasses, What’s in Store for Retail Media Networks , presented in cooperation with DMEXCO

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Turning retail spaces into advertising platforms – how? Find out at the exclusive Scala Masterclasses “What’s in Store for Retail Media Networks”. Look forward to exciting discussions, future visions from industry thought leaders and a dialog with experts. Take the opportunity to network and exchange real knowledge beyond the usual advertising pitches. Apply now for one of the limited places and join us as we discuss the future of the advertising world with in-store retail media!

Falling margins, higher infrastructure costs and fierce competition: traditional retail business models are struggling.
Time to talk about new ways of monetization – innovative solutions that allow retailers to tap into new revenue streams.
Retail media networks allow customers to become part of a personalized advertising world within the store. Precise targeting and data-driven advertising messages reach visitors directly while they are shopping and measurably increase sales. Data-driven solutions also enable seamless connections between online and in-store advertising for a successful omnichannel strategy. For retailers, operators of high-traffic areas and advertisers, retail media offers an unbeatable competitive advantage – both in terms of brand awareness and conversion.
 In the future, a retailer’s success will no longer be measured solely in terms of sales, but also in terms of advertising revenue and effective marketing campaigns. A technology that will massively transform retail and the advertising world – and you can be part of it!

A practical example: In-store retail media  is changing advertising messages – from the perspective of retailers, brands and customers

Is it worth investing in retail media networks? The effect is demonstrable. In the following practical case, we present the benefits of this technology – a fictitious example based on various case studies and our experience.


Retailer: retail space becomes advertising space

The Riebel family has been passionately running a large outdoor store in Stuttgart’s Königstraße for three decades. In recent years, the company has struggled with rising rental costs, falling margins and competition from online retailers. But since the beginning of the year, there has been a turnaround: A member of the management team has championed the implementation of in-store retail media. The sales areas of the three-storey store have now also become advertising spaces that target visitors. Customers interested in camping tents, for example, can immediately see matching accessories and complementary products on digital signage screens.In addition, collaboration agreements have been concluded with some major outdoor brands, which play their commercials in the store. This led to a 20% increase in sales and additional income from brand campaigns.

Brands: Direct connection, influence and visibility at the POS


Cookware, a small manufacturer of high-quality camping tableware, often struggled to stand out from the competition. But since the company started using retail media networks to advertise in-store in select premises, this has changed. The target group is specifically addressed with commercials – both at the POS directly next to the products and in the vicinity of related products. As a result, Cookware was able to increase sales in the selected stores by 30% within a month.

Customers: personalized and exciting in-store shopping experiences

Jochen has been a regular customer at the Riebel outdoor store since his student days and enjoys investing in high-quality hiking and camping accessories. Since the beginning of the year, his shopping experience has changed: Digital screens show him products that match his interests and sometimes even offer him QR codes for discounts. As he browses through the store, he is repeatedly shown spots from hikes in the great outdoors that whet his appetite for new adventures. He stays in the store longer than usual – and has already discovered some new products that he can use for his next trip.

Retail Media in-Store – be part of the innovation at DMEXCO!

Would you like to experience innovation and expert knowledge up close? Get a competitive edge and apply for one or more of our coveted masterclasses at the “What’s in Store for Retail Media Networks” event. 

Following What’s in Store for Retail Media Networks events in New York and London, Scala is pleased to work in cooperation with DMEXCO to offer these in depth masterclasses free of charge.

The content of the event is tailored to the following groups of participants: retailers, brands, media-agencies, retail-consultants, city managers, owners of high frequented in-Store places and media representatives.

Take the opportunity to listen to and exchange ideas with experts in the industry – and discover why in-store retail media networks are the answer to the pressing challenges facing brick-and-mortar retail!

Registration is required for What’s in Store for Retail Media Networks. Please sign up for the masterclasses here. Experience our technology at Hall 8, stand 050 and see how an in-store retail media network could work to boost your business.