Assisted Selling Kiosk with Lift & Learn
Assisted Selling Kiosk (ASK) is an interactive display that elevates the shopper experience by enabling rich, digital capabilities from self-guided product tours to one-on-one virtual communication with product experts.
Shoppers need more information to make certain purchases, but help is not always available. The ASK fixture eliminates this problem by providing key product information where shoppers need it most. Featured content can incorporate features of online shopping, such as live product reviews or comparisons. They can also connect shoppers directly with subject matter experts via one-on-one video conferencing or a library of on-demand videos, helping retailers provide a higher level of service with reduced headcount.
Custom Configuration
We understand that our customers may have unique requirements, therefore, Scala solutions can be customized to your specific business needs and desired outcome. Our professional services team will work with you to ensure a customized solution will achieve your near- and long-term project goals.
Product Delivery
Work with a global professional services team with an extensive portfolio of skills; as well as the full range of Scala- and STRATACACHE-branded hardware
Integrate a flexible, intuitive platform for designing, managing and deploying digital content
Utilize our discovery process to analyze and implement the most optimal way to enhance the consumer experience
Leverage strategic partnerships to bring digital display, sensor, mobile and emerging technology to a global market, at scale